Hero MotoCorp has launched its first electric two-wheeler Hero Vida V1 in India. It has been introduced in two variants – V1 Plus and V1 Pro, which are priced at Rs 1.45 lakh and Rs 1.59 lakh (ex-showroom) respectively. In the market, it will compete with electric scooters like Ola S1 Pro and Ather 450X. So let us tell you about the prices of these three electric scooters, so that you will be able to know which of the three electric scooters is cheaper.
There are many options available in the electric scooter segment in the Indian market these days. Many domestic and foreign companies have offered electric scooters with better options. If you too are planning to buy an electric scooter and are not sure which one to buy, here is a comparison of two such electric scooters, knowing about which will make it easier for you to decide. We are talking about the Ola S1 series and Ather 450X electric scooters.
TVS Motors recently launched the iQube electric scooter. iQube gives tough competition to the already popular electric scooter Ather 450 and Ola S1 Pro in the Indian market. These three electric scooters are quite popular right now. Today we are going to compare and tell you which scooter will be right for you to buy? First we know about its range, speed and battery one by one.
Hero Vida V1 Plus is the base variant while Hero Vida V1 Pro is the top variant. The V1 Plus is priced at Rs 1,45,000 while the Vida V1 Pro is priced at Rs 1,59,000 (ex-showroom). This is quite an expensive offering at this price point. Hero claims that it can offer a range of up to 165 km on a single charge. Its booking is starting from today (October 10).
Battery Comparisons
Ola is offering the Series S in two grades – S1 and S1 Pro. The S1 gets a smaller battery pack of 2.98 kWh. A big battery of 3.97 kWh is available in S1 Pro. On the other hand, the Ather 450X is sold with a 6 kW motor, which offers a 2.9 kWh battery pack.
TVS Motors recently launched the iQube electric scooter. iQube gives tough competition to the already popular electric scooter Ather 450 and Ola S1 Pro in the Indian market. These three electric scooters are quite popular right now. Today we are going to compare and tell you which scooter will be right for you to buy?
Talking about the Ather 450, it comes with a 6kW PMS motor, which can deliver 5.4 kW power and 26 Nm of peak torque.
Range Comparisons
Coming to the range of these electric scooters, the Ola S1 offers a top speed of 121 kmph, topping out at 90 kmph. While the S1 Pro offers a range of 181 km on a single charge, its top speed is up to 115 kmph. Talking about the Ather, it gives a range of 116 km, which gives a top speed of 80 kmph. The 8.5 kW motor accelerates the S1 from 0-40 kmph in 3.6 seconds. While one can dart to move at a speed of 0-40 kmph in 3.3 seconds.
— Hero Vida V1 Plus- Rs.1,45,000
— Hero Vida V1 Pro- Rs.1,59,000
— Ola S1 Pro- Rs 1,39,999
— Ather 450X- Rs.1,55,657